Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Virtual Body

Today we investigated this web site, On it is a virtual body with both narration and interaction on certain aspects of the human body. Having seen that Theo has been interested in skeletons in the past this was our first point of call. One of the puzzles was to build a skeleton from all the bones. Theo did this really quickly. We then moved onto the brain which had an animated section about neurones. The other two sections covered the heart and digestive system but by this point Theo was beginning to loose focus so we stopped after just watching the videos rather than trying to discuss it. I do not get the impression that the site is designed for children as young as Theo however the interactive element was good enough to hold his attention and teach him some basics about the human body.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Recap on Theo's Art

Just a quick record of some of Theo's other pieces of art, created before the blog was!

Some more of Theo's Art.

Art Club - Foot Painting

Sadly we had to cancel Art Club on Friday as both Stephen and David had a tummy bug, but we re-scheduled for Monday 5th October. The boys had lots of fun.

We laid large sheets of paper on the kitchen floor, and with baking trays with a variety of coloured paints the boys were put in short trousers with only one rule. That once they had their feet in paint they had to stay in the kitchen, until they would be carried off to the bath!

We were well pleased with the results, the pictures were all different, but common to all was the detail of footprints right down to the skin prints, and little toe marks.

Well done boys!